may, 2022
This is a repeating eventmay 14, 2022 10:00 am
07may10:00 amJourney Stick Craft Activity

Event Details
Journey Stick Craft Activity Come decorate your own journey (walking) stick! We provide a eucalyptus walking stick hand-made by the activities crew for you to decorate. You may come in before
Event Details
Journey Stick Craft Activity
Come decorate your own journey (walking) stick! We provide a eucalyptus walking stick hand-made by the activities crew for you to decorate. You may come in before the class to reserve and purchase your stick, or purchase day of. Great fun and a wonderful gift for yourself! Happy Trails!
TIME: 10 am – 11 am
WHERE: Activities Pod (weather permitting)
AGES: Fun for all ages
COST: $30 per journey stick
(Saturday) 10:00 am
Activities at Costanoa
2001 Rossi Road